Adriana Tatum-Howard
Executive Director
Pamela Perkins
Program Director Basic Center (Youth Emergency Shelter)
Kevin Ford
Case Manager Basic Center (Youth Emergency Shelter)
Kenneth Brown
Behavioral Management All Programs
Paige Holmes
Adolescent Counselor
Lunie Beal
Street Outreach Program Director
Jernell Williams
Transitional Living Program Case Manager/Director
FAM Case Manager & Parent Educator
Beverly Jackson
Administrative & Operations Assistant
Coming Soon
About Park Place Outreach
Together we can make this a better world. Park Place Outreach Inc., is in the business of changing lives, giving hope and improving odds by ensuring that youth have access to safety, guidance and caring adults.
Support Park Place Outreach
We invite you to join us on our mission to protect those most at-risk in our community… the children. Your gift will make their future a safer one and will ensure that Park Place Outreach will continue to provide programs to other at-risk youth in the future.